Sunday, December 2, 2007

Is it December already?

Good lord - it's already December. Have I mentioned that I hate the holidays? This will be a LONG month.

T-giving was okay. Really, I did the cooking and cleaning, but I knew I would get stuck with that. So, it was really okay.

Aimee was hilarious. Jackson, my two-year-old nephew had the audacity to - GASP - play with her toys. She was not happy, and she let him know it. She was full-on yelling at him, little arms flailing and face turning red. All because he was sitting at her piano. Did he notice? No - of course not. He is a BOY, after all. She gave him what sounded like a blistering lecture (at least I think she did - it wasn't in English). It was just too precious and funny. At least I can say that my kid is no pushover. She'll be doing the pushing around, thank you very much. I think I like that.

Now, Christmas is another story. Thanksgiving is all about family, but Christmas (at least for my dh's family) is all about shopping. And giving the appropriate amount of gifts (last year we spent about $700 on gifts for his family, which I think is beyond ridiculous). I made a list for Aimee's toys, given all the recall scares. I thought that was a nice and prudent thing to do, but my mil is already griping about it. Says she can't find it online. So I send her the links. Then she told me there's too much shipping. So I tell her if she buys it from the links I am sending, there will be no shipping.

I have no idea what her problem is now. I am weary of it and getting to the point where I don't care much faster this year than last. She took my hubby out to shop for four hours today. Last minute. Again. Nevermind the grocery shopping and house cleaning that usually go on Sundays. So I got to handle all of that solo, along with a very stubborn toddler. I am almost at my last thread with this crap.

Sorry this post has gotten so down, I need to go chill out with a glass of wine (or some of that sparkling cider left over from Thansgiving and a hot bath.

How was T-giving for everyone else???


Erin said...

Sounds like you need a vacation :) Hang in there...just remember it's one month. Then it's back to real life.

Erin said...

You're up for a holiday meme...go ahead, I dare you :)

Anonymous said...

OK. Now this is my third try. If this comment doesn't work? I'm not trying again! I am still over here just cracking up about Aimee telling off Jackson. The big problem I've always found with holidays, are they are kind of like weightloss/food. There is no way to just give it up. You have to either always fail or find a way to deal with it. Ulgulgulgulgulgulg. At least food doesn't talk back to you. :D I abdicated Christmas this year, which left me open to help with the shelter dinner, which is a story I will have to email you about. My life is so weird some days. :) Pictures! Send us pictures!